Hitman: HD Trilogy Review

The Baldy-Eagle Strikes Again!

Monday, December 31, 2012

65 - Game of the Year

GOTY TechFixation style OUYA Dev Consoles  GTA5 Release Date Instagram Loses Big At&t Working out the kinks PS2 Sales have been put on hold The Hobbit Rocks On! 10 Ten most Pirated Movies Subscribe in iTunes Download Here!!!! ...

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Dexter Jaekel's GOTY

Dexter Jaekel is the Editor-in-Chief of TheTechFixation.com I play videogames to be taken on a wild journey. For me, it's all about losing myself in the experience and fully accepting the universe that is on display in front of me. I don't skip cutscenes, I don't breeze over written notes, I pull as much out of the story as there is to take. That being said, my choices are all based on the games that succeeded in bringing me into a new dimension...

Game Of The Year 2012

Over the past year, Tech Fixation has grown significantly. We grew from being a podcast, to a full blown website with it's own podcast, a host of talented writers, and a source of original reviews and features. We have all dedicated a great number of hours to playing and researching the hottest games this year, and we all have an opinion as to what should win Game of the Year. So, without further ado, let's begin the countdown. Number 3 We...

Daniel Goad's GOTY

Daniel Goad is Senior News Editor for TheTechFixation.com I’ll be honest right from the start; I haven’t played a lot of games this year. Not from a lack of time or interest, but because of money. I just have not had the money to dedicate to gaming. In retrospect it’s a necessary sacrifice but it is always hard to walk passed a GameStop or a gaming aisle in a store. Nevertheless I am quite knowledgeable of the games released in 2012 and I can...

John Schwartz' GOTY

John Schwartz is a News Editor for TheTechFixation.com Top 3 Choices: Torchlight 2: Torchlight 2 is my pick not only because it's an awesome game, but because it does everything a game should do for it's sequel. That is, take the criticism of the first game and improve upon it and implement suggestions for the second. Torchlight 2 maintains its predecessors charm and addictive-ness while adding multi-player, interesting skill...

Richard Hodges' GOTY

Richard Hodges is CEO for TheTechFixation.com When prompted to put together an article on who should get the GOTY crown, I was ecstatic! After setting down to put my words on paper, I quickly realized the difficulty of the task.  It is truly hard to put your finger on just one title.  Each game is entirely its own experience. These experiences are what helps connect the gamer and developers as a whole.  Knowing that each title...

Matt Holt's GOTY

Matt Holt is Senior Tech/Games Editor of TheTechFixation.com Here are my top 3 games of 2012, and I don't think there's any coincidence that they were all released at the back end of the year.  As we get to the end of the current console cycle, developers are squeezing every last bit of performance from the machines and continuing to deliver satisfying, involving stories and gameplay.  Narrowing this list to 3 has been tough, there are...

Roger Havens' GOTY

Roger Havens is Game Reviews Editor for TheTechFixation.com 2012 has been a fairly bustling year when it comes to the video game market. We have received new games in some large franchises like Far Cry 3 and Mass Effect 3. Some smaller IP's have also taken the spotlight such as Journey and Hotline Miami. When it comes to deciding the Tech Fixation GOTY, a lot of tough choices have to he made. I have spent hundreds...

Cam_Sky's GOTY

Cameron Skayman is the Entertainment Editor for TheTechFixation.com 3) Black Ops 2 Multiplayer: Yes, I'm the Call of Duty Player that never plays the campaign. But why play the campaign when the multiplayer is so amazing? This year the maps are not as good as previous installments but the gameplay and games are better than ever. The use of scoresteaks is a huge plus and the streaks that you get are awesome. I absolutely love the pick...

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Happy Holidays from Us

Here's hoping you got all the games you wanted and all the accessories you needed for your tech stuff. Stay safe this New Years and aim for a good 2013. Look for us to expand next year and throw more news your way. Share what you got from Santa with us. You get Far Cry 3 or a new graphics card? Maybe a sweater and some socks? Were curious what our readers asked for and recieved. Cheers readers. Weve enjoyed you this year. -Daniel, Jedi Editor *...

Monday, December 24, 2012

Grand Theft Auto 5 Releasing 3-26-13

Simple as that folks. After the release of five new screen from Rockstar's fifth installment of the GTA series we have learned that March 26th of 2013 will be the day youll get to drive into San Andreas. -Daniel, Jedi Editor *...

New GTAV Screens: Jets, Subs, and Sharks!

Sharks. Need we say more? The fact of the matter is; the waters of GTA have been lackluster at best. Falling into the oceans of GTAIV and the rivers of Vice City were at best boring and lonesome. It seems with this photo it confirms that you can be killed by something other than drowning in the waters of San Andreas. No doubt cell phones are coming back into gameplay after such a success in GTAIV. But submarines?! What kinda of weird...

64-Merry Christmas Everybody

Episode 64 - Merry Christmas Everybody Happy Birthday Richard Hodges!!! News: Facebook's New Pervy App, Poke; So Many Assault Rifles Purchased; The Hobbit Sales; And Much More That I can't remember at 2:39 AM; Games We've Been Playing: Far Cry 3, Hitman: Absolution, Persona 4 Golden, Skyrim, Black Ops Subscribe in iTunes Download Here!! ...

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Community Season 4 Sneak Peek

For the Christmas season, Community has released this brief sneak peak of its upcoming season. Community returns to the airwaves February 7th after being delayed from its original October 19th release date. If you don't know why you should care about Community, the video at the bottom will show you all you need to know Written by Dexter Jaekel Editor-in-Chief of TheTechFixation.com This is why you should watch Community. This is a small...

Facebook's New Scandalous App, Poke

Today, Facebook released a new app exclusively to the iOS App Store. The app is called Poke and it takes it cues from the app SnapChat. The basic concept is that you will be able to send pictures to your friends (or lovers) that will only be displayed for a set period of time (1 to 10 seconds). While the app cannot stop the recipient from taking a screenshot, it will be nice enough to tell the sender that a screenshot has been taken. So far, this...

New Final Fantasy XIII-3 Trailer

Square Enix unveiled a new trailer for Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII today. With the impending apocalyptic theme for the latest Final Fantasy installment, Square Enix decided it would be suitable to release this trailer on 12/21/12 as a play on the fears/hopes of people who believed the world would end on this date........ I thought it was funny. Enjoy the trailer. Visit their Official Site for more screens. ...

Friday, December 21, 2012

Nintendo Suggests Updating Your Wii U Before Gifting It

Today, even the official American twitter account for Nintendo admitted (inadvertently) how ridiculous the major out of the box Wii U update is. They actually suggested that anyone gifting a Wii U to friends or family should open up the unit, take out all the cords, hook it up to their television, tie it to their Internet, and update it themselves. While this would definitely make the recipient far happier with the gift, it would be a major inconvenience...