Richard Hodges is CEO for
When prompted to put together an article on who should get the GOTY crown, I was ecstatic! After setting down to put my words on paper, I quickly realized the difficulty of the task. It is truly hard to put your finger on just one title. Each game is entirely its own experience. These experiences are what helps connect the gamer and developers as a whole. Knowing that each title released was nothing shy of a work of art, there are a few that stand out in my eyes. Ubisoft’s Assassins Creed 3, for sheer delivery. TellTale Games and their most recent success story, The Walking Dead, because of the Amazing storyline and heartfelt moments. And Bioware and their Mass Effect project for the obvious improvements to its predecessor and the grueling tear dropping moments that you are put through.
1) Mass Effect 3
While weighing my options and throwing pro after pro into a hat, I’ve decided that Mass Effect 3 has way too many things going for it to hold it back! It is a tough decision to put it side to side with any other major hit, because it is in a category of its own. The Action RPG wasn’t a style of gameplay that I enjoyed before indulging into Commander Shepard’s every move. The story that you have built from day one has been carried through to the end. By building relationships with your crew you can gallivant through the galaxy, dominating every species that tries to keep you from the ultimate goal.

No matter the stance you take, Commander Shepard was always someone that I could relate to. And no, I’m not talking about slaying aliens from various planets. He was always someone that, at the very least, understood what needed to be done. Standing up for his beliefs while others would defy their own race and lose all self respect. John "Alejandro" Shepard was entirely his own man, instead of just another soldier following orders.
Bioware has accomplished this masterpiece on several levels. Between the updated graphics and the new abilities threw the franchise, makes Mass Effect 3 my Game of the Year - 2012.
2) and 3)
TellTale Games and Ubisoft have hit the right notes on several topics. Heart wrenching moments to agonizing fire fights, The Walking Dead and Assassins Creed III take my number 2 and 3 Game of the Year - 2012.
Honorable mentions -
Ubisoft has a knack for hitting the right notes! Resident Evil 6 is a must mention! It has tried to be a lot of things with the latest iteration, but has done wonders with the writing and soundtrack!
Ubisoft has a knack for hitting the right notes! Resident Evil 6 is a must mention! It has tried to be a lot of things with the latest iteration, but has done wonders with the writing and soundtrack!
Borderlands 2 is another that can not go without at least a few lines of compliments. Gearbox has done a marvelous job getting an action packed, open world adventure slapped with some damn good commentary!
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This has been an @HodgPodge42 adventure!
Written and Edited by Rich Hodges - CEO of and TechFixation Podcast.
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