Sunday, March 3, 2013

Saints Row 4 and Dragon Age III to be at PAX East

PAX East will be hosted in Boston from March 22-24 and Twitter has yielded some juicy fruit for its showroom floor.

After THQ fell through the Saints Row IP was picked up by Deep Silver. Aubrey Norris, a big player at Deep Silver has tweeted: “Dear Media: You’re going to want to be at PAX East this year. If not, you’re going to be missing out on something HUGE. Just FYI!”.
Chris Stockman, design director on Saints Row 1, posted that the game is dated for August for current gen on Twitter talking ex-OXM writer Ryan McCaffery

The Dragon Age twitter has also been busy with letting everyone know they'll attend PAX East and Mark Darrah, Executive Producer at Bioware, teased a reveal of Dragon Age III: Inquisition.

And if that's not enough to make you excited, Capcom will announce two new games during their World of Capcom panel, scheduled for March 22th.

What's your opinion on Saint's Row the Fourth and Dragon Age III?



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