Sunday, December 30, 2012

Dexter Jaekel's GOTY

Dexter Jaekel is the Editor-in-Chief of

I play videogames to be taken on a wild journey. For me, it's all about losing myself in the experience and fully accepting the universe that is on display in front of me. I don't skip cutscenes, I don't breeze over written notes, I pull as much out of the story as there is to take. That being said, my choices are all based on the games that succeeded in bringing me into a new dimension and changing my perspective on how to live my life.

3) Borderlands 2:
This was a surprise for me. I had played the original briefly, and absolutely hated it. But, when Borderlands become free for Playstation Plus, I gave it another try and enjoyed myself. The next week, Borderlands 2 came out and I didn't hesitate to pick it up. Borderlands 2 added a compelling story, more guns, and more action. I wasted tons of hours just looting the crap out of stuff with friends. The ability to play everything with up to 3 friends also adds significant playability to the game. I probably would have grown tired of it rather quickly if I didn't have all my friends playing it at the same time. This game really is a blast, even if it didn't suck me in on an emotional level. And thats really saying something.

2) Mass Effect 3:
I was a little late to the Mass Effect Party. I start Mass Effect 1 until about 6 months before Mass Effect 3 was released. However, This allowed me to have an absolute blast playing the games with almost no downtime between titles. Mass Effect 3 is definitely the best in the series, not just because it is the end of the trilogy. Bioware made vast improvements to the gameplay and graphics. Previous installments relied very heavily on the compeling story and decisions, and most players had to make excusses for the rest of the gameplay. Mass Effect 3 had intense action sequences throughout, smooth character animations, and a redisigned combat system. Even though the ending was met with much criticism, I still found it to be perfect and didn't ruin the experince for me at all. In the end, it's really all about the journey and not the destination.

1) The Walking Dead: The Game: 
Whenever I played the demo for The Walking Dead, I wasn't impressed. Not even a little bit. The graphics weren't great, the animations were clunky, the whole thing just felt weak. I didn't get excited about it until a friend came over and played the demo and expressed extreme desire to play the full game. His excitement was contagious, so I bought the season pass. From the very first moments of the actual game, I was hooked. This game put me through Hell and back, emotionally. They put me in charge of this little girl's safety, and then made me do some horrible things to protect her from even worse things. I know that most of my conection with this game is due to the fact that I have a daughter of my own, but I have never been sucked into a game so fully and completely. Even down to the last seconds of the game, I was so enthrawled. You know that a story is great, whenever it makes you forget the subpar graphics and awkward animations. This is my GOTY.

Honorable Mentions:
Journey, Far Cry 3, Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, Persona 4 Golden, Metal Gear Solid Collection Vita, Halo 4, Gravity Rush, Resident Evil 6, Assassin's Creed III, Twisted Metal


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