Thursday, November 22, 2012

Discovery Channel's 'Dirty Jobs' has been Canceled

Discovery Channel’s ‘Dirty Jobs’ has been Canceled

This is a show that has been very dear to a lot of people. For others it has been a “What the bloody hell is wrong with that guy? People Actually do this Everyday?!” Dirty Jobs was always a treat, just being able to see what Mike Rowe would get himself into next.

“A few weeks ago, I was officially informed that Dirty Jobs had entered into a new phase,” The host of Dirty Jobs, Mike Rowe wrote in a blog post. “One I like to call, ‘permanent hiatus.’ Or in the more popular industry vernacular, canceled." Later stating, "Dirty Jobs is a very personal show, and it’s difficult for me to imagine a future that does not involve exploding toilets, venomous snakes, misadventures in animal husbandry, and feces from every species.”

Further into Mike’s blog he writes “The last episode looked pretty much like the first. We didn’t become something we weren’t. We never shared the sewer with Paris Hilton, and we never invited you to ‘tune in next week for a very special Dirty Jobs.’ We stuck to the mission statement. We stayed small. We worked hard. And we had a hell of a good time. It was, as they say, a very good run.”

By Richard Hodges


  1. Great show; couldnt last forever. Mike Rowe will do other things; his voice can earn him checks regardless if his face is on TV or not.
