Hitman: HD Trilogy Review

The Baldy-Eagle Strikes Again!

Monday, April 29, 2013


This is the final episode of the TechFixation Podcast. We would like to send our sincerest apologies to the fans who will be left behind, we truly have loved our time with you all. And we would like to send our fondest thanks to all those who have contributed to the site and podcast. Matt Holt - Games/Tech Editor Caleb Smith - Tech Editor Daniel Goad - Tech Fixation Jedi Cameron Skayman - Entertainment Editor Roger Havens - Reviews Editor John Schwarts - News Editor Greg Woolston - Junior Tech Editor Mitchell Morgan - Former Co-Host Morgan Powell...

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Hitman HD Collection: Has Agent 47 become ripe with old age?

This isn’t a review.  I thought about doing that, but then realised that I’d be writing about games that are 10, 8 and 6 years old that have been reviewed to death already, and aren’t in need of another internet page telling you what the stories are about.  Instead I’m going to recap my time with the HD collection and aim to give an idea on how I felt playing these again, and also how they stack up by today’s standards, especially as...

Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Sticky Floor Ep10 - D/V/D

The panel is reunited for an epic tenth episode, in which our protagonists review V/H/S, pitch the perfect BioShock film, and complain about Michael Bay, Tyler Perry, and Anne Hathaway. Check out this episo...

A Closer Look at the Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Map

Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag is hitting shelves this October 29th and members of the guild are shouting yo ho! In ACIV: BF You'll sail as Captain Edward Kenway on your vessel, Jackdaw, and ravage the Caribbean in 1715. In the Golden Age of piracy you'll spend forty percent of the game on the water with many cannon battles. The game will feature three main cities; Havana, Kingston, and Nassau, which reside under Spanish, English and...

Thursday, April 4, 2013

'Cowboy Bebop:' Great Series, or Greatest Series?

The series Cowboy Bebop has always had a presence in my life. My older brother was a huge fan of it when it came out, and growing up I always marveled at the few glimpses I could catch staying up late to watch Adult Swim or perhaps when they were airing the movie. I had never watched all 26 episodes, however, until last weekend. I enjoyed the series so much that I told myself; "If I don't see the last episode, I never have to stop watching." Last weekend I found myself on an especially long bus ride, and after watching episode 24 and 25 on my...

Box-office Death Match March 29-31 2013

Actuals Gi Joe - 40.5 million The croods Tyler Perry Trash Olympus has fallen Oz Roger Gi joe - 46 million The croods The host Olympus has fallen Admission Order - 3 Place - 3 Bonus - 0 Total - 6 Place - 2nd Caleb: GIJoe - 40mil The host The croods Oz Burt wonderstone Order - 1 Place - 3 Bonus - 2 Total - 6 Place- 2nd Daniel: GIJoe 2 - 51mil Croods Host Olympus Trance Order - 3 Place - 3 Bonus - 0 Total - 6 Place - 2nd Cam: Gi joe -...

Lets Breakdown Thief's Screenshots

This could easily be assumed as a still from a cinematic. Could be the opening of the game or a monumental plot point. We're unsure if your bow can be upgraded or not but that arrow sure looks fancy. Stealth-based games like Hitman and Assassin's Creed require a certain essence of patience, strategy, and coordination. Eidos has stated that Thief will take those skills to a new level. This screenshot is taken at a...

Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon Screenshots

Many people just did not believe that Far Cry 3 would have a 1980's themed arcade shooter with a sci-fi twist. Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon is indeed a thing. Thanks to a NeoGAF poster these screens are available for us to shove in the face of the non-believers. You can visit the website here where you can enter the Konami code and destroy the whole site. You can watch the trailer, and you can also view the achievement list. Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon...

Call of Duty: Black OPs II "Uprising" DLC Details and Trailer

Official Press Release: Call of Duty fans are set to receive another premium offering of Downloadable Content with Call of Duty: Black Ops II Uprising on April 16. The game`s second, epic DLC pack of the year from award-winning studio Treyarch and Activision, a wholly owned subsidiary of Activision Blizzard, will be available first, exclusively on Xbox Live for the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft beginning...

Rumour: The Next Xbox Will Require Internet Connection to Play Games & Apps

After Sony unveiled the Playstation 4 the ominous sound of defeat seemed to overshadow Microsoft. An April event was scheduled by Microsoft to showcase their new console but was pushed back to May. We already know that Microsoft has dev-kits out and about with custom zebra printed cases and controllers; so that if leaked images surface Microsoft can track the leak. There are also reports that the next Xbox will have dual APUs. Rumours...

Would You Kindly Watch this Bioshock Tribute Video

*SPOILERS WITHIN* The above video is my take on a tribute to the Bioshock Trilogy set to "Back Where I Belong" by Baroness. After completing Infinite earlier this week I was addicted to its ending and what it meant for the series. I took it upon myself to create this video in honour of the stories laying within its gameplay and the conspiracy theories concerning its latest entry. I love Irrational Games' world and I hope this video open up a few...

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Google to release new Nexus 7 this summer

by Greg Woolston Google’s Nexus 7 was quite the hit when it was revealed last year. The small powerhouse was a pleasant surprise for most. I am personally fond of the 7 inch tablet, and have been very happy with mine since launch. Reuters reports that Google along with hardware manufacturer ASUS are planning to release the next Nexus 7 this July. The revised Nexus 7 is likely to feature a larger screen than its predecessor by reducing the size...

Bioshock Infinite Review

Bioshock Infinite is the third game in the series that’s previously had us explore the underwater delights of the city of Rapture in 1960 as Jack, a plane crash survivor who discovers the city as it’s experiencing a civil war.  It gave gamers the opportunity to experience the notions of choice and freewill through its lauded story telling, as much as through its approach to environmental design and combat.  It is, rightly, one of this...

Disney Closes LucasArts; Stars Wars 1313 Cancelled

In horrific news today that is sending a huge rift through the Force Kotaku reports that Disney has shut down LucasArts studio indefinitely and has laid off all of its staff. Star Wars: First Assault and Star Wars 1313 are cancelled, however Star Wars 1313 can still be saved with licensing (here's your chance Obsidian). Disney will still use the LucasArts name to license games, but the studio is no more. An exerpt from Disney's statement: “After...

"New DOOM 4" Confirmed; RAGE 2 Cancelled

With some good and bad news today Bethesda has confirmed that they are in the process of developing a "new version" of Doom 4. This new version has been rumoured for next-gen consoles and appears to be in its alpha stages. Sources claim development is "not going well" although Bethesda and id Software remain strong behind its project. "An earlier version of Doom 4 did not exhibit the quality and excitement that id and Bethesda intend to deliver...

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

'Torchlight 2' releases new modding tools

After a long hiatus from updating, Torchlight 2's developers Runic Games have released mod tools for their beloved ARPG. Nicknamed GUTS, the new development tool lets you modify almost everything about the game, "from item and skill balance, to level layouts, animations, quests, and much more," according to a post on Runic's website. "GUTS mods can be shared with your friends, and multiplayer games using mods can be found in the modded games lobby,"...

GTA V Screenshot Breakdown

by Roger Havens Have you been dying for more Grand Theft Auto V news? Well thanks to the fine folks over at Rockstar Games, we now have 10 new screenshots that we can analyse and comb through. Give em a look and enjoy. Please keep in mind that Rockstar clearly stated that these screenshots are all from current gen consoles. For one, this game looks awfully good for current gen. Secondly, is Rockstar making a next gen version of the...