Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Future of Facial Recognition

What is the future of facial recognition?

 Is the future advertising? Do we see a major breakthrough to put criminals behind bars? What do you just see another way for the government to log everything about you?  All viable questions when we start talking about Facial Recognition.

Picture this, you walking to the mall And you hear someone shut out your name. Cool and intriguing, yes!  You start looking around for the person Only to realize it's a billboard trying to speak to you.  For most in large cities you would prefer to Go about your day to day tasks As your own little self, Originally intended.  Some would consider that a Privacy breach. Others would consider it far-fetched. I simply call it creepy!

As hard as it may be to believe, facial recognition can have its benefits.  Microsoft and Sony both have plans to introduce facial recognition into their gaming consoles. Their efforts may be to create an in depth individual user base on the console itself. This means they will try to keep all credit card, passwords, and login information narrowed down and only accessible by that specific user.

Now depending on the mood of most individuals that day, using facial recognition for advertising maybe a good thing and may be simply annoying. You may ask How could something like this be accomplished?  Basically by installing these type of AIs on computers, game consoles, billboards, or even bathroom mirrors that can allow them to learn about what you click on, what you look at, and what your interests are.  Thus, being able to narrow down exactly what advertisements to display at that given time.  For example they may show you a series of quick advertisements and depending on Where the built-in cameras see that you look and spent most of your time on one fixed location.  They can then narrow Read this article down where your interests lie.

Can Facial Recognition be used to benefit society? Actually, this sort of thing is exactly the technology that some companies are looking for. Humanity itself, is the best sensor and detector. There isn't any current age technology that can do a better job at identifying smoke, gas, or even criminal activity.  If a digital movie advertisement can recognize Richard Hodges is walking by, it will have no problems recognizing a wanted felon is near.   It will not be a stretch to integrate a 3rd party Dialer system to notify the authorities of such events.   It will force the dreaded 'Pick-Pockets' to either do a better job or to quit entirely. The number of 'Shoplifters' will be cut down significantly. And of course, the number of 'KidNapping' incidents will be brought to a mere halt, just to name a few.

"Smart Gate" a program used by Australian Customs Control to manage incoming and outgoing across their borders. Prior to leaving the country, one must obtain a passport by getting their picture taken, along with all information that could help identify you.  Each E-Passport is fabricated with a microchip to define each passport in a genuine manor. The program requires the individual to look into a panel of InfraRed LEDs (Light Emitting Diode). At that moment the LEDs illuminate the travelers face, and a camera will record what it can see. The SmartGate software will analyze the key facial points and log them into a digital file. They have formulas to decide what you could look like as one ages.  By logging up to date details on your physical stature, they can easily deny access to ships, planes, or trains based on your criminal history.

There are plenty of benefits to brag on, as well as the small handful of downsides that we've covered today.  Whether it is to put exactly your interests in front of you or to entice individuals while using a restroom, Facial Recognition will without a doubt expand to great lengths.

Written by Richard Hodges
CEO of TechFixation


  1. the book and film Minority Report really did for-see the future. Without it's presense we would not have touch phones, ipads, motion-sensing technology, facial-recognition advertising like you wrote about, nano-robots that can commit surgery or diagnose illnesses, computer-based mental mapping, and a host of other scientific things.

    Good article. Media will take hold of Facial-Recognition and advertising will be ever-the-more annoying when they're actually selling to your identity specifically. Id look for major cities to do it first; London, New York, Sidney, Budapest, Montreal, Bordeaux, Los Angeles, etc. Companies i see doing this big realtors, insurance companies, tech sellers like Microsoft, Sony, Apple, Samsung, and Nintendo, then you got consumer goods and the likes of Walmart, McDonalds, Auto Repair, Loans, Colleges, etc.

    The Future is bright...
