Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons is an story-driven adventure video game developed by Starbreeze Studios and published by 505 Games planned for release spring 2013.
"Brothers" gameplay revolves around the interaction between the two brothers with each other and the world. The brothers must overcome obstacles and solve puzzles by working together. The player control each brother with one of the analog sticks, allowing to move each character freely and individually. There is also action buttons respective for each brother.
NPCs will have different reactions when interacting with each brother, where sometimes only one of the brothers can get specific information from specific NPCs.
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, formerly known as P13, is being developed by Starbreeze Studios and is the first game to come from a publishing partnership with 505 Games. The game will use the Unreal Engine 3 and is being developed in collaboration with the Swedish award-winning film director Josef Fares.
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